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    【英语】 公民宗教:政治哲学史对话 2012-08-14

    书名: Civil Religion: A Dialogue in the History of Political Philosophy 作者: Ronald Beiner (Author) 出版社: Cambridge University Press (December 31, 2010) 语言: English ISBN-10: 0521738431 ISBN-13: 978-0521738439 Book Description Civil Religion offers philosophical commentaries on more than twenty...
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    【英语】 国家与公民社会:黑格尔政治哲学研究 2012-06-24

    书名: The State and Civil Society: Studies in Hegel's Political Philosophy 作者: Z. A. Pelczynski (Editor) 出版社: Cambridge University Press (November 30, 1984) 语言: English ISBN-10: 0521289696 ISBN-13: 978-0521289696 电子书格式:DJVU, 推荐查看工具:WinDjView Book Description The state and civil society were...
  3. teiler

    【英语】 科学价值与公民美德 2011-02-25

    书名: Scientific Values and Civic Virtues 作者: Noretta Koertge (Editor) 出版社: Oxford University Press, USA (August 4, 2005) 语言: English ISBN-10: 0195172256 ISBN-13: 978-0195172256 Book Description There has been much debate recently about the relationship between science and politics. This volume...
  4. teiler

    【英语】 战争中的正义:危难时期中的公民自由与公民权利 2007-12-24

    书名: Justice at War: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights During Times of Crisis 作者: Richard Delgado (Author), Jennifer Hochschild (Author) 出版社: NYU Press (April 1, 2003) 语言: English ISBN-10: 0814719554 ISBN-13: 978-0814719558 Book Description The status of civil rights in the United States today is...