埃德蒙德 胡塞尔: 现象学的奠基者



名称 Edmund Husserl: Founder of Phenomenology
Key Contemporary Thinkers
作者 Dermot Moran
出版商 Wiley, 2013 语言:English
ISBN 0745673260, 9780745673264
页数 312 页
Book Description
The book is structured both chronologically and systematically. The first three chapters are introductory: a brief but comprehensive introduction, a rich yet concise biographical chapter, and an overview of Husserl’s conception of philosophy. The next two chapters are chronological: a chapter on Husserl’s Philosophy of Arithmetic (1891) and a chapter on what Moran calls the breakthrough to phenomenology, the Logical Investigations (1900/1901). In the following three chapters Moran addresses Husserl’s work after 1901 systematically rather than chronologically. There are chapters on (1) Husserl’s eidetic phenomenology of consciousness, (2) his transcendental phenomenology, and (3) on the controversial themes of embodiment, otherness, and intersubjectivity. The final chapter, the conclusion, considers Husserl’s contribution to philosophy.
Dermot Moran provides a lucid, engaging, and critical introduction to Edmund Husserl's philosophy, with specific emphasis on his development of phenomenology. This book is a comprehensive guide to Husserl's thought from its origins in nineteenth-century concerns with the nature of scientific knowledge and with psychologism, through his breakthrough discovery of phenomenology and his elucidation of the phenomenological method, to the late analyses of culture and the life-world. Husserl's complex ideas are presented in a clear and expert manner. Individual chapters explore Husserl's key texts including Philosophy of Arithmetic, Logical Investigations, Ideas I,Cartesian Meditations and Crisis of the European Sciences. In addition, Moran offers penetrating criticisms and evaluations of Husserl's achievement, including the contribution of his phenomenology to current philosophical debates concerning consciousness and the mind.
Edmund Husserl is an invaluable guide to understanding the thought of one of the seminal thinkers of the twentieth century. It will be helpful to students of contemporary philosophy, and to those interested in scientific, literary and cultural studies on the European continent.
About the Author
Dermot Moran is Professor of Philosophy at University College Dublin and author of Introduction to Phenomenology (2000) among other workds.
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