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    回望澳洲 在堪培拉澳洲国立大学访学3个月,期间用寒假时间探亲访友,时间蛮紧张的。虽然3个月时间不算长,却是可以稍微近距离地观察这片陌生的土地。 鸟趣 哈哈哈…,窗外传来一阵略带几分神经质、几分狂放的笑声。我被这奇特的笑声吵醒了。 懵懵懂懂地透过高窗向外看去,噢,一片漆黑,万籁俱寂,唯有点点繁星静静地眨着眼睛。谁在笑啊?左邻右舍离这里至少有几十米,即便是唱咏叹调的嗓门,也不会有如此的穿透力吧。疑惑之中,又沉沉睡去。 清晨与邻居谈起此事,邻居告诉我,那是笑翠鸟(Laughing...
  2. teiler

    【英语】 拯救城邦:哲学王及其他古典范式 2013-05-17

    书名: Saving the City: Philosopher-Kings and Other Classical Paradigms (Issues in Ancient Philosophy) 作者: Malco Schofield (Author) 出版社: Routledge (March 28, 1998) 语言: English ISBN-10: 0415184673 ISBN-13: 978-0415184670 Book Description Saving the City provides a detailed analysis of the attempts...
  3. teiler

    【英语】 城市指南 2008-12-20

    书名: A Companion to the City (Blackwell Companions to Geography) 作者: Gary Bridge (Editor), Sophie Watson (Editor) 出版社: Wiley-Blackwell (December 7, 2000) 语言: English ISBN-10: 0631210520 ISBN-13: 978-0631210528 Book Description At the start of the new millennium cities are firmly back on the...
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    【英语】 家乡、城市和国家:上海的地缘网络与认同, 1853-1937 2008-09-14

    书名: Native Place, City, and Nation: Regional Networks and Identities in Shanghai, 1853-1937 作者: Bryna Goodman (Author) 出版社: University of California Press (October 20, 1995) 语言: English ISBN-10: 0520089170 ISBN-13: 978-0520089174 电子书格式:HTML Book Description This book explores the role of native...
  5. teiler

    【英语】 希腊城邦:文献选编 2007-08-17

    书名: The Greek City States: A Source Book 作者: P. J. Rhodes (Author) 出版社: Cambridge University Press; 2 edition (May 28, 2007) 语言:English ISBN-10: 0521615569 ISBN-13: 978-0521615563 Book Description Political activity and political thinking began in the cities and other states of ancient Greece...
  6. teiler

    【英语】 中世纪的城市 2007-08-17

    书名: The Medieval City (Greenwood Guides to Historic Events of the Medieval World) 作者: Norman Pounds (Author) 出版社: Greenwood Press (April 30, 2005) 语言:English ISBN-10: 0313324980 ISBN-13: 978-0313324987 Book Description After a long decline in urban life following the fall of the Roman Empire...